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OpenMV is an open project,all the file is open source.However,at the mean time,there would be some trouble,like Arduino,some people make PCB board by themselves,and then sell it at a low price,which is harmful to the benefit and development of the project.

  • Reduce the production quantity which will have an impact on the cost of OpenMV.
  • Reduce profit which will influencee the software’s development of OpenMV.
  • Crude board will bring some trouble which will perplex developer.

Thus,for the boards not being bought officially,IDE of OpenMV take moves.

While linking,it will show three dialog box suggesting you buying License in OpenMV.


Every License $15.After buying License,you will receive an mail getting a character key.

Fill in the key,then software will binding key with your board.One key can just match with one OpenMV.

Hope everyone can buy the electrical board officially,or donate some money to them.

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